- Jean-FrançoisAccro
- Messages : 269
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2014
Age : 75
Localisation : Arradon - 56000
Conus salzmanni (?)
Lun 3 Juin 2019 - 17:39
Re: Conus salzmanni (?)
Lun 3 Juin 2019 - 18:20
Description:-Original description.
Shell: Moderately small to medium sized (up to 39 mm in length). Moderately solid. Last whorl conical, sides slightly convex adapically, then straight. Shoulder angulate. Spire moderately low (Relative spire height 0.11-0.15), outline straight or very slightly concave. Protoconch smooth, with 1.75 to 2 whorls, counted from the origin, maximum diameter 0. 6 -0.7 mm. Postnuclear whorls smooth, 9-10 in the holotype. Teleoconch sutural ramps straight, with about 3 to 5 shallow subsutural spiral grooves. Last whorl smooth at adapical half, with evenly spaced, weak spiral ribs in adults, and with more pronounced spiral ribs extending onto subshoulder in subadults, to shoulder area in juveniles. Aperture narrow, of uniform width.
Ground colour white, beige or bluish grey. Last whorl with spiral rows of light brown dots and bars evenly. distributed from shoulder to base. Bars in adjacent rows above the centre may coalesce into irregular blotches. Spire stained with scattered radial brown spots. Larval shell brownish grey. Aperture white to dark brown or purplish brown within a lighter collabral edge. Periostracum brownish, thin, translucent, and smooth. Operculum small.
Discussion:-C. salzmanni has since been misinterpreted as a local form of C. inscriptus from Aden (E. A. Smith. 1891. However, C. inscriptus and its Eastem African subspecies C. inscriptus adenensis, which occurs sympatrically with C. salzmanni, both have a multispiral, ('up to 3 whorls in shells from Mozambique.. Rockel et al. 1995), wider (maximum diameter about 0.9 mm) and generally a white larval shell. and weakly to distinctly tuberculate early 2-4 postnuclear whorls.
C. i. inscriptus from central Indian localities attains shell length almost double than C. salzmanni, tends to have broader, more ventricose last whorl (Relative diameter up to 0.68) and a concave to sigmoid spire outline. Sympatrical shells of C. inscriptus adenensis also have a higher (Relative spire height: 013 -0.23, vs. 0. 15- 0.16) and more concave spire. a heavier spiral sculpture of ribs and ribbons on their last whor1s and often a very deep pink inner aperture.
Shell: Moderately small to medium sized (up to 39 mm in length). Moderately solid. Last whorl conical, sides slightly convex adapically, then straight. Shoulder angulate. Spire moderately low (Relative spire height 0.11-0.15), outline straight or very slightly concave. Protoconch smooth, with 1.75 to 2 whorls, counted from the origin, maximum diameter 0. 6 -0.7 mm. Postnuclear whorls smooth, 9-10 in the holotype. Teleoconch sutural ramps straight, with about 3 to 5 shallow subsutural spiral grooves. Last whorl smooth at adapical half, with evenly spaced, weak spiral ribs in adults, and with more pronounced spiral ribs extending onto subshoulder in subadults, to shoulder area in juveniles. Aperture narrow, of uniform width.
Ground colour white, beige or bluish grey. Last whorl with spiral rows of light brown dots and bars evenly. distributed from shoulder to base. Bars in adjacent rows above the centre may coalesce into irregular blotches. Spire stained with scattered radial brown spots. Larval shell brownish grey. Aperture white to dark brown or purplish brown within a lighter collabral edge. Periostracum brownish, thin, translucent, and smooth. Operculum small.
Discussion:-C. salzmanni has since been misinterpreted as a local form of C. inscriptus from Aden (E. A. Smith. 1891. However, C. inscriptus and its Eastem African subspecies C. inscriptus adenensis, which occurs sympatrically with C. salzmanni, both have a multispiral, ('up to 3 whorls in shells from Mozambique.. Rockel et al. 1995), wider (maximum diameter about 0.9 mm) and generally a white larval shell. and weakly to distinctly tuberculate early 2-4 postnuclear whorls.
C. i. inscriptus from central Indian localities attains shell length almost double than C. salzmanni, tends to have broader, more ventricose last whorl (Relative diameter up to 0.68) and a concave to sigmoid spire outline. Sympatrical shells of C. inscriptus adenensis also have a higher (Relative spire height: 013 -0.23, vs. 0. 15- 0.16) and more concave spire. a heavier spiral sculpture of ribs and ribbons on their last whor1s and often a very deep pink inner aperture.
''Point n'est besoin d' espérer pour entreprendre, ni de réussir pour persévérer''
Guillaume Ier d'Orange-Nassau.
Ce qui se conçoit bien s'énonce clairement - Et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisément.
- Jean-FrançoisAccro
- Messages : 269
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2014
Age : 75
Localisation : Arradon - 56000
Re: Conus salzmanni (?)
Lun 3 Juin 2019 - 19:09
Oui, Guy-gérard , j'avais lu cette description....C'est pourquoi j'ai édité ce post...Elle a l'air identique à celle que tu as déjà présentée ?...
- Jean-FrançoisAccro
- Messages : 269
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2014
Age : 75
Localisation : Arradon - 56000
Re: Conus salzmanni (?)
Lun 3 Juin 2019 - 19:13
Voir aussi :
Re: Conus salzmanni (?)
Lun 3 Juin 2019 - 19:34
Effectivement assez ressemblant .
''Point n'est besoin d' espérer pour entreprendre, ni de réussir pour persévérer''
Guillaume Ier d'Orange-Nassau.
Ce qui se conçoit bien s'énonce clairement - Et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisément.
- Michel BargoinAdministrateur
- Messages : 12492
Date d'inscription : 01/09/2011
Age : 73
Localisation : Cergy - Val d'Oise
Re: Conus salzmanni (?)
Lun 3 Juin 2019 - 20:22
Très ressemblant à celui de Medvedev non ?
Très ressemblant à celui de Medvedev non ?
« Contraria contrariis curantur. (Les contraires se guérissent par les contraires).»
- Jean-FrançoisAccro
- Messages : 269
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2014
Age : 75
Localisation : Arradon - 56000
Re: Conus salzmanni (?)
Jeu 6 Juin 2019 - 11:35
Merci bien pour vos avis concordants....
Je vois que cette espèce est en fait pas très documentée et très peu accessible, ceci dû probablement aux contraintes géopolitiques liées à son biotope.
S'il n'y a pas d'autres contributions, je ferme le post....
Je vois que cette espèce est en fait pas très documentée et très peu accessible, ceci dû probablement aux contraintes géopolitiques liées à son biotope.
S'il n'y a pas d'autres contributions, je ferme le post....
- Conus (Phasmoconus) salzmanni Raybaudi, Massilia and Rolán, 1997
- Conus (Conus) equestris Röding, 1798 voir Conus (Conus) bandanus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792
- Conus (Conus) nigrescens Sowerby II, 1859 voir Conus (Conus) bandanus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792
- Conus (Conus) crosseanus Bernardi, 1861 voir Conus (Conus) marmoreus Linnaeus, 1758
- Conus (Conus) araneosus nicobaricus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792
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